This Unconscious bias online training course explores what unconscious bias or implicit bias is, and examines common microaggressions and how to manage them. Unconscious bias refers to unsupported social judgments or prejudice in favor or against a person or group of people. Since these happen without reasonable justification and unconsciously, they can prevent one’s judgment from being balanced. This course will explain unconscious bias, the impact it has on the workplace, and the steps you can take to manage it and encourage diversity and inclusivity.
By taking this online Unconscious Bias course, the user will learn how to:
This online Unconscious Bias course is made up of the following sections:
This Unconscious Bias online training course was designed for all employees, supervisors and management.
If you have any concerns about whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.
This Diversity in the Workplace online training course is designed for all employees, supervisors, and employers to raise awareness about demographic changes and the benefits of diverse teams in the workplace. This course teaches about the science of unconscious bias, how to recognize and resolve it and move toward an inclusive work culture.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Biais inconscients a été conçu pour les employés, les superviseurs et le personnel de la direction. Ce cours expliquera les biais inconscients, leur incidence en milieu de travail et les mesures que l'on peut prendre pour les gérer et pour encourager la diversité et l'inclusivité. Avec une meilleure compréhension des biais inconscients et de leur origine, vous pourrez prendre des mesures pour résoudre les biais individuels et faire de meilleurs choix et de meilleures connexions.